Thursday, March 25, 2010

Celebrity Head

This is back, for Round 1 at least, and will keep going while there's interest. Nick and Phil will actually be busy this year so they'll need some buddies.
Each week, or each time I get around to doing it, the Head will appear in our Header, which is kinda appropriate.
I just love a mis-guided theme. The plan is to have jumbled heads that consist of 2 footballers and one religious figure. The definition of that will rapidly slide as I run out of ideas. It's not exactly starting from a high point.
Just email me three names, you'll get a point for each correct one. The winner at the end of the Home and Away rounds takes all. Which is actually nothing at all. Glory. Maybe a piece of paper.
I expect CelebHead will at some stage be rejoined by GrandSunBall. No-one really knows though.

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