Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Drink
So don't forget the Drink is on tonight (Thursday) at the Union Club, cnr Webb and Gore st Fitzroy. 7pm-ish.
Hope to see a bunch of yas.

Drunk on a ladder. Round 20.

So just when things were starting to look a bit settled, when it looked like a battle to the death looming between two Drunks, we get one of those rounds... suddenly things have changed a tad.

Firstly, the jackpot has gorn orff. Franco and your's truly hung on for 8s to finally split the bucks. Not sure yet how much that is, can't remember when the last one went off but it's been a while. Couldn't happen to two nicer guys.

The result is that Franco is now overall leader, and I'm suddenly in the top 8.
So now there are 5 Drunks separated by just one point. 3 all banged up on 108, and two, including Sammy who has the best margin score of the bunch, one point further back.
Coxy and I are 2 further back, and personally I'm smelling blood. Well smelling, anyway.

Some say cream rises, others might point out that shit floats.
Whatever, we have the past 3 winners in the top 8.

All tied up here too, the Holy Head, obviously was old Aztec God Quetalcoatl, god of civilisation and learning. Partnered with him, the ultimate civilised footballer, former Demon, current board member (points there for a start), merchant banker, AND here's the clincher, he' married to a ballerina. And also, Mr Clever, Rhode Scholar, AFL Chairman the most learned man in the Southern Hemisphere, Mike Fitzpatrick.
I say again. I never promised a link between the heads, so even a crap one is a bonus.

Both the leaders had a go, both picked 2 outa 3.
Harv: Mike Fitzpatrick, Patrick Dangerfield? Quetzacoatl.
Nick: Fitzpatrick, Quetzacoatl, Koschitszke.

Whoever let bloody Dean Cox and Jonathan Brown into the comp should be kicked out.
Well actually he just was...

So now it’s down to last year’s runners-up the Cheesedale boys, ably sired by the Big Cheese, Jim Richo, and the other local lads, Sammy’s JoelCoreyEnrights, to do the right thing and see off the interlopers. Carn PussyBoys, lets have a local Grand Final.

In the bottom half, 2 close games, but Dirk's Snags had too much sizzle for the Brennas, and Joffa's boys knocked Craig out.