Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome to the Idiocracy

I've got this great idea. Let's build a new utopian society.
Lets take all the greatest traits, current or historical from the vast pantheon of human endeavour. The greatest philosophies and achievements of mankind, of Earth, nay The Universe.
We could sample aspects of the Glories of Ancient Greece, Rome, take the best from The Renaissance, select elements from the Age of Enlightenment. Hell there may even be some positive bits we could copy from the Post-War USA.

Nah, I've got a better idea, let's look to Western Sydney for inspiration and direction.
Excuse me, what the fuck is going on in this country? Has anyone actually been to Western Sydney? Has anyone sampled the intellect out there? Has anyone FOUND any intellect out there?
It seems every thing these days is designed and made for these arseholes. These Ozzie Flag-Draped Bogan Racist quoits.

Socially we have 2 options, take these unfortunates and bring them up to our level, or Succumb to the Dumb and join them in society's gutter.
Politically, well pretty much we're doomed anyway, but PLEASE don't encourage these scum by sitting at their feet begging for their approval...
And now Footy is enlisting a bunch of thick-bodied, thick-headed, rugby-shaped chunks of thug to change our game to appeal to these cavemen (yes, even their women are cavemen). You mark my words, it'll end in tears for all of us and our beautiful game.

I have this other idea, lets bring in the Boat People these cro-mags fear so much and do some kind of prisoner exchange. Sweep the streets and suburbs west of Parramatta (and most of it to the east too for that matta) and pop those West Sydneyians on the boats and send them to Nauru. They'll probably like it, I think they play Rubgy League there and it's made of shit.

PunchDrink #2
It's been weeks since the last one, so this Thursday August 19th lets do it again, a wedgie before the final one.
The easiest thing is to do a re-run of the last one, The Union Club Hotel in Fitzroy at 7pm, but if anyone's got a seriously better idea pop us a line via email, or the Comments button down there. I will send a specific Drink email soon, but put it in your books.

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